
Earn money from YouTube

YouTube’s automatic system provides artists with the power to keep track of their music on the world’s biggest video site. YouTube Content ID ensures that music is protected and artists make money from their music distribution.

Get protection on YouTube

YouTube’s automatic system provides artists with the power to keep track of their music on the world’s biggest video site. YouTube Content ID ensures that music is protected and artists make money from their music distribution.


  • How it works?

  • You can upload unlimited tracks through us with a free Ospo Music account.

  • YouTube’s automatic system will scan every video to ensure that whenever your song is featured as a soundtrack, you get your rightful cut.

  • Ensure that creators aren’t using your music and earning money for themselves on YouTube.

  • Whether you’re using One Artist account or whether you are a label with multiple artists; using Content ID makes it simple to cover them all.